
Cycling is a fantastic way to stay fit, discover the outdoors and even commute sustainably. The benefits of biking on our immune systems, minds, and cardiovascular health are undeniable and it’s great for socializing too!

However, it’s not as easy as climbing on your bicycle and setting off. You need to start the right way to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, whether you’re going at it alone or investing in cycling tours to explore the land. 

This guide is designed for complete beginners looking to dip their toes into the world of cycling. You’ll find all the must-know information you need, from choosing the right bike to getting to grips with basic cycling techniques. 

Choosing the Right Bike

Selecting the right bike is the first step for any aspiring cyclist. There are many different types available, each with unique features to help tackle various riding styles and terrains. 

  • Road bikes: Designed for speed and efficiency, road bikes are ideal for long-distance rides and road racing.
  • Mountain bikes: Built for off-road riding, mountain bikes have rugged tires and suspension systems to handle rough terrain.
  • Hybrid bikes: A combination of road and mountain bikes, hybrids are versatile and suitable for both commuting and recreational riding.

The perfect bicycle for you depends on your cycling goals, comfort level, and fitness levels so keep these in mind while you’re on your hunt. Your bike must fit you probably to prevent discomfort and injuries. 

Essential Cycling Gear and Safety Tips

With your bike of choice secured, start equipping yourself with essential cycling gear. Safety should always be a top priority, and a helmet is the most critical piece of gear. It protects your head in the event of a fall or collision and could potentially save your life. 

Equip your bike with lights at the front and rear in accordance with the rules of the road, and stock up on reflective clothing to make you more visible to drivers. You also need to learn the relevant hand signals to communicate your intentions to other road users when turning and stopping. 

Basic Cycling Techniques and Fitness Tips

You’re close to being ready for the road but before you go, master some basic cycling techniques. Learn how to mount and dismount your bike safely and practice maintaining balance, especially at lower speeds. 

Your posture plays a role in how comfortable you are on two wheels. Keep your back straight with a slight bend in the elbows and ensure your knees are in line with the pedals. 

As you’re a beginner, start with shorter rides and gradually increase your distance as your fitness improves. You can incorporate stretching routines before and after your rides to prevent muscle strain. 

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